
By Bathopele Processing PTY Ltd
29th December, 2024

Our team of highly skilled boilermakers and welders can erect, repair and maintain your large pressure vessels, tanks and boiler systems as well perform associated code welding. We know how to weld on virtually all grades of carbon steel, stainless steel, alloys and exotic metals. We provide field services for a wide range of equipment including:

  • Boiler Maintenance and Repair - Package boilers, Power boilers, Recovery Boilers

  • Tanks - erection, structural repairs, retrofitting, welding

  • Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSG's) - erection, repair, maintenance, retrofits

  • Process Heat Exchangers - installation, maintenance, shell repairs, tube bundle replacements

  • Furnaces, Piping and Tubes, Valves, Environmental Equipment

  • Fabrication


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